Create your own Legacy Of Love

a guided healing experience

some ghost you, some just don't get it & then there's the ones who sill expect you to still show up at their baby shower like everything's fine....

friendships change...

all your dreams, hopes & plans are suddenly broken into a million pieces.

your future is gone...

even a quick trip to the grocery store now feels like navigating a minefield of hurts & triggers 

simple things become hard...

there's so much that is taken

when we lose a baby,
we don't just lose
our Child...

Create your own guided healing experience with reflection journals & videos you can use at your own pace.

find your way out of the darkness, while carrying your little one's memory with you.

be guided through 7 modules that wrap you in comfort, hope & invitations for gentle love-filled action

get better at asking for and receiving support from others

Get connected to deep understanding
practical guidance & care to navigate life after baby loss. 

The Baby Loss Survival guide

your are not alone

be able to keep your head above water & hold steady whenever the waves of grief hit

learn to stop taking other people's limitations personally  (seriously, your aunt's insensitivity has nothing to do with you.)

create more understanding between you, your partner and your friends and family

soothe the fear, anxiety & emotional overwhelm

This program is the gift that I wish someone could have given me after I lost my daughter.

It is the guidance system that I desperately longed for as I navigated my way out of the darkness of grief, heartbreak and despair.


I'm April.
Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Coach  & Mother to Nora.



"There's no judgement, just pure acceptance, love & support."

Stop using your pain & suffering as a tribute of your love.  Learn to give yourself permission to connect with your baby with your tears AND your joy.

Module 4: Moving through Resistance

Transform the way you understand and relate to your emotions.  Explore some of my favourite ways to keep your head above water when the waves of grief hit.  

Module 3: Coping with Emotion

Find your reasons for healing, growing, staying connected to the people who need you here.  You can hold onto your baby and the other people you care about at the same time.

Module 2: Finding Your North Star

We're going to move at a gentle and easy pace as you begin to let your heart heal & return to life, not despite your baby's existence, but in honour of your love for them.

Module 1: Letting Yourself Be Here

A look at what's inside

Learn to embody the most powerful healing principle of your lifetime.  It will change your life.

Module 7: The Healing Tool of Your Lifetime

Get really good at responding to hurtful comments, insensitive people & putting unrealistic expectations of you into check. It's time to let go of old habits of over-functioning and over-giving. Find new ways to let yourself be known & understood as you heal and grow.

Module 6: Boundaries, Friends & Family

Create your own Legacy of Love.
Find the ways that feel right to you for keeping your baby close and deciding when & how you want to share your story & your baby's memory with others 

Module 5: Keeping Your Baby With You

You want to be able to feel more able to participate in your own life again, while carrying your baby's memory with you.

Your nervous system would love if you could quiet down the achy, anxious energy & overwhelm
You want to feel more in control in the emotional storms

You need to make sense of some of the hurt & frustration & coming up in some of your relationships

Does this feel like what you need right now?


"I'm confident in my coping skills and feel like I took so many steps towards healing."

I'd like to help support this site for others too.


option three

I can afford this program
right now.


option two

my budget is tight, but I know this would be good for me.


option one

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