Your friend is lucky to have you in their corner. 
Here's some things you can do for her.

Here's 3 ways to help your loved one right now.

Care & Comfort

Learn what to say and not say, get new ideas of practical helpful action and learn to make offers of support that your loved one will actually want to receive.

Find the right words & offer better support.

The Best Friend's Guide to Baby Loss

We asked grieving parents what they most wanted their friends & family to know.

this is what they had to say...

"A person is a person no matter how small." 

dr. seuss

" There is no foot too small that it cannot
leave an imprint on this world. "


When a child is born, it is the mother's instinct
to protect the baby.
 When a child dies, it is the mother's instinct
to protect the memory.


"The loss of a baby changes who we are,
but we can choose who we become."

april boyd

The Baby Loss Survival Guide is a 6 week healing experience that walks with grieving parents through the tips, tools and healing steps that helped me and my clients through life after loss.

+ connect to comfort & support anytime 24/7 from home
+ create their own healing experience with each healing module
+ get practical guidance for moving out of the darkness without feeling like they're leaving their little one behind.

Give a Gift of
Healing & support

 Wrap them in guidance & care.

Send your friend a link to this website.  Here they're find lots of support & resources they can access whenever they need a little extra comfort & understanding, including free virtual mini-retreats for grieving parents.

Introduce your loved one to the love & loss project and our circles of support.

Get them Connected.

Copy this website url and send your loved one a little note letting them know you were thinking of them and thought this might be useful for them to know they're not alone.

Strenghen their
support circle.

Take a peek at our gift ideas & resource list to help comfort & support your loved one.

Send them some Love 

Check out my short & sweet little guide of dos and don'ts, and learn to make practical offers of care that people actually want to say yes to.

Learn to what to say and not say.

3 ways to support a friend.

Want an invitation to our next virtual gathering?

connection & care